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Image by BoliviaInteligente

A free resource for you in the new year!
Download slides with popular quotes from bestseller, Intentional Moves. 
Use any slide in your next presentation for your staff or team.

Services for every need.

Offering engaging in-person and virtual professional learning opportunities. 
Author-led Courses and Self-paced Book Study Groups
Grab your copy of Intentional Moves or The Skillful Team Leader and connect with team leaders from across schools in a highly interactive, practical course led by the author. 
(In-person and virtual options.)  Looking to do a book study at your own pace? Coming soon: On-demand course with videos and questions to prompt your thinking. (Graduate credit, not associated with a degree program, is available for some courses for an additional fee through Worcester State University. Elisa is an official Massachusetts PDP provider.  Please note, based on IRS guidelines, Elisa MacDonald does not issue 1098-T, Tuition Statements.) 
Bestselling Intentional Moves book
Bestselling The Skillful team Leader book

"Elisa is an excellent instructor. She is knowledgeable, articulate, organized and that's in regard to what she teaches. She listens with purpose to what we say in class and then adapts her teaching to meet the needs of the group."

-Len S., K-12 Professional Development Coordinator 

Workshop Series
New and experienced leaders! Engage in customized workshops just right for your teachers and leaders. (In-person and virtual options.)
teacher leaders learning together

Elisa is a terrifically talented and knowledgeable leader of professional development for teachers, teacher leaders, and school administrators. She is detail-oriented and highly skilled in structuring adult learning to engage educators and help them reflect upon and change their practice.  Elisa is the most skilled professional developer that I have worked with in my 20+ educational career.

-Toby Romer, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education and Special Programs 

Are you looking for personalized support?  Connect with Elisa or a coach trained in Skillful Team Leadership to plan with you, observe or co-facilitate your meeting, provide invaluable feedback, and implementation support. (In-person and virtual options; Coaching package available.) 
Elisa coaching

"Thank you for helping me truly hear what's hard, for supporting my learning as an evidence-based decision maker, and for pushing my practice as both a coach and a facilitator of adult learners. You nudged me beyond my comfort zone to improve my leadership and I am forever grateful."

Daryl C., Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Leadership Team Retreats
District and school leadership teams set the tone and expectations for teacher-led teams in the building. Strengthen the function and impact of your leadership team with a personalized retreat. Because each retreat is customized, Elisa will invest time interviewing and surveying you and your team members, observing a meeting, and working with a retreat planning subcommittee. In the retreat your team will engage in meaningful honest conversations and leave with a plan forward that builds off of your team strengths and targets an area for growth. (In-person and virtual options.) 
Administrators learning

Elisa, you did a phenomenal job! You purposefully and skillfully brought in a diverse group of stakeholders to develop a day of intentionally crafted activities that led our group of department chairs to a productive and realistic outcome. Thank you. I feel more hopeful now about our team than I have in a long while.

-S.F., Department Chair Team Leader

Ignite the desire for learning and action in your leaders with a passionate, engaging keynote. Elisa's stories and message will make you think, laugh, (maybe even tear-up a little) and leave hopeful and eager to move forward.

"Elisa's keynote was thought-provoking and inspirational with the right touch of humor.  My team of teacher leaders and I left feeling ready to tackle our daily challenges with renewed energy


-Sarah D., Turnaround Teacher Team Leadership Coach

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